Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Furnace Installation: Signs You May Need a New Furnace

Winter weather is in full force, which means that it is important that you determine whether or not your furnace can handle the coming winter months. Just like any appliance, your furnace has a lifespan; thusly, it is important for you to know the signs that will indicate that your furnace is in need of replacement. Here are a few indicators you can look for to determine whether you should consider new furnace installation for your home.

Furnace Age

The average life expectancy of a furnace is 16-20 years. While a furnace can function longer than this, once a furnace reaches this age it will not work as efficiently as it once did, and it will be prone to malfunctioning. Thusly, if your furnace is in this age range, you may want to begin looking at options for having it replaced before it quits working due to its old age. Call your local Burke VA heating contractor for more info.

1 comment:

  1. The average life expectancy of a furnace can be lengthen with regular check up and maintenance. By doing this you can save money. Have it done a furnace professional.

    Furnace Repair Toronto
