Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Check For Water Damage

Something we always need to keep in mind during summer is how summer storms affect our properties. Between the heat, wind, and rain, there are a lot of ways the storms can damage or affect our property. In this case, we want to focus on your roof and what we need to keep in mind.

A big threat to both residential and commercial roofs is water damage. If part of the roof suffers from water damage, that section can become weak and eventually collapse if the weight becomes too much to bear. With all of the rain we've been getting this summer, it's important to make sure our roof is in good shape.

A roofing expert will be able to examine your residential or commercial roofing in East Lansing MI to inspect for water damage. Tools allow them to take the temperature of roofs and spot area of concern. Once the sun starts to set, your roof will cool down as you would expect. However, in areas with water damage, the roof does not cool down as quickly. Therefore, these areas of high temperature give you an idea of where your roof might be damaged. If you have water damage, it's important to have an expert repair that section or possibly replace your roof.

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