Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Which Material Should You Choose For Your Roof?

Choosing wood shakes can actually double the lifespan of your roof and are very easily recycled. However, while some wood shakes may be of a comparative price to asphalt, you definitely don't want the cheapest option. If left untreated, they can be prone to insects, mold, and staining. In this respect, you will typically end up spending more to get a lasting quality.
Metal roofs have been undergoing a huge resurgence in recent years, and for good reason. They can last upwards of 40 years before they need Commercial Roofing replacement in Northern New Jersey and these days are even modeled to look like more traditional roofing styles. However, metal roofing can be expensive if you pick a metal like copper, and there is the issue with noise. You will definitely notice the rain a lot more with a metal roof, but it is a very durable option.

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